To The Rulers Of The World
CC: those adverse to them
I strongly despise this money-driven world. Money to have more power or power to have more money, I do not know, probably it is a vicious cycle. Interests, virtual money, this is one of the cancers of our world. I hate the fact the few pricks decide how much your life work is worth. I would like so much to leave for what a close friend of mine called “a small island of virtue” but there is no escape. We are prisoners of the system and it is just utopic to think we could live independently from it.
However we, human beings, created this system, we are the ones killing each other, actively or passively, by ignoring what our governments do as long as our well-being is left untouched. It could be argued that it has always been this way, history is a great teacher. We as human beings have not changed so much: love, hate, fear define us in the same way they defined our precedecessors. However something important has changed and I am not referring to what is apparent: culture, technology, life style. It is subtler and also a bit ironical since it started with the discovery of electricity, a milestone of human progress. What is the negative side of electricity then?
The answer is simple: when did you last look at the stars?
I am not joking, for everyone living in a city it is impossible to see the stars. “So what?” you reader will ask. Looking at the stars is important as it reminds us of how small and insignificant we are in the universe. I once heard an astronaut, Nespoli, saying that “if everybody could see the Earth from space, the world we live in would be better”. I agree with him. Of course being an astronaut is a chance given to very few but looking at the stars is possible for everybody, or at least it was.
Here is the crucial point: our precedessors naturally rose their head at night time staring at the stars: questions like “are we alone in the universe?”, “what is the purpose of life?” would have come natural.
In today’s world there is no point raising our head, we could see nothing. There is no point looking around either: we are surrounded by tall grey buildings, blinkers of the new millenium. This restricted sight has easened the rise of a new divinity: the money god.
Of course I am not talking to all the people struggling for a living. I am referring to everyone who has set money as their primary concern. Money for power, power for money. You will lose both once dead. Then will your life have had a meaning?
Looking at the stars has always been a great stimulus for curiosity, self-awareness and critical thinking from which human kind has taken great benefit. Go to the country or to the ocean, raise your head, look at the stars — before the lights of progress will cast a shadow over the whole sky.